Below are some questions, you don’t have to do all of them, let the club members guide you, if they are enjoying discussing one of the question rounds let it run beyond the 17 minutes.
Round 1: Question 1 (20 mins)
1. Put members into groups of 5-6 using different gender stereotypes (E.g. boys don’t cry, you run like a girl, women are bad drivers, men can’t cook, women are weak etc.)
2. Tell each group to introduce themselves to each other.
3. Show / give each group the first question: Where do our ideas about masculinity and femininity come from? Can you share some examples?
4. Give support where needed. Encourage turn-taking / asking questions.
5. If members answer the question very quickly get them to discuss: gender stereotypes; why do associate certain behaviours and emotions with being masculine or feminine.
6. After 17 mins facilitate feedback. Invite members to share something from their group discussions.
Round 2: Question 2 (20 mins)
1. Put members into groups of 5-6 using different colours (red, blue, orange, green pink etc.)
2. Tell each group to introduce themselves to each other.
3. Show / give each group the second question: In what aspects of life is it easier being a girl/woman and in what aspects is it easier being a boy/man?
4. Monitor, give support where needed. Encourage turn-taking / asking questions.
5. If members answer the question very quickly get them to discuss: Should boys and girls be treated differently;
6. After 17 mins facilitate feedback. Invite members to share who they think overall has it easiest men or woman, and why?
Round 3: Question 3 (20 mins)
1. Put members into groups of 5-6 using different toys: (dolls, Lego, cars, tea set, train set)
2. Tell each group to introduce themselves to each other.
3. Show / give each group the third question: Why do people treat boys and girls differently?
4. Monitor, give support where needed. Encourage turn-taking / asking questions.
5. If members answer the question very quickly get them to discuss: How does gender influence the way we parent; What are the benefits of raising boys and girls in the same way?
6. After 17 mins facilitate feedback. Invite members to share what their group members would change, if anything and why.