Author: Adrian Tennant | Published on 1 June 2023


Read what a teacher says about this activity:

I love this activity. Making flashcards is the perfect activity to involve your learners. it helps to develop their creativity, confidence and co-operation. With young learners it helps them develop their motor skills. I’ve also noticed that when they’re making flashcards, some of my shy learners talk more than they usually do.

Stage 1: Prepare

Bring enough card, scissors and glue to the class. You can also bring old magazines / newspapers or ask the learners to bring them from home. 

Stage 2: Introduce

Put learners in pairs or small groups and distribute the materials.

Say: “Today you are going to make flashcards. The topic is <say the topic> e.g. animals / food / jobs. You can find these pictures in the magazines or draw your own.”  

Stage 3: Create

Get learners to make some flashcards. Circulate, monitor and help where necessary.

Here are some ideas for the flashcards:

  • Picture and word both on the front.
  • Picture on the front and word on the back.
  • Word in English and in L1.
  • Word in English + phonemic script.

Stage 4: Collect

Collect the finished flashcards and put them in a folder or box.

Stage 5: Use

Use the flashcards in your classes when they fit the topic of the lesson.

Learners feel really appreciated when they are making the flashcards and especially when the flashcards are used by the teacher. 


Circulate: Move around the classroom to check what learners are doing, and if they need any help.

L1: The language learned from birth (= mother tongue).

Monitor: The way a teacher watches to see how well an individual, group or class is doing a particular task.

Motor skills: learned abilities

Phonemic script: a transcription of the sounds of a word or phrase, using phonemic symbols