Read what a teacher says about this activity:

‘I love using mind maps with my learners because it helps me find out what they already know. Mind mapping are also a great way for learners to generate and organise their ideas.’ 

Stage 1: Prepare  

Draw a mind map on the board.  

Say: ‘Copy the diagram into your notebook.’ 

Tip: For lower-level learners just have one set of bubbles. For higher levels have more than one set, i.e. sub-categories. 

Stage 2: Introduce 

Say: ‘The topic of the lesson today is [say topic]. Write the topic in the centre of your mind map.’ 

Stage 3: Create 

Say: ‘Now write words or ideas connected to the topic in the other circles. You can add as many circles as you want.’ 

Circulate, monitor and help where necessary. 

Stage 4: Share in pairs 

Put the learners in pairs and say: ‘Compare your ideas. You can add to your mind map if you want.’ 

Stage 5: Share with whole class 

Display some of the mind maps around the classroom, e.g. in a gallery walk

After you’ve used mind mapping a few times learners will understand what to do. They won’t need as much support as the first few times they do it. Mind mapping is a useful way of brainstorming ideas and can be used in other subjects and when planning writing. 


Circulate: To move around the classroom to check what learners are doing, and if they need any help.  

Gallery walk: Putting learners’ work (e.g. writing/pictures) on the classroom walls, and inviting them to look at what their friends have created. 

Mind map: A way of creating and organising ideas about a topic. One central topic is written in a circle and different, related ideas come out from the centre. 

Monitor: The way a teacher watches to see how well an individual, group or class is doing a particular task. 

Sub-categories: A smaller part of a category (e.g. ‘fruit’ is a sub-category of ‘food’).