Author: Deb Avery | Published on 1 October 2022
Read what a teacher says about this activity:
My class really enjoys mingle activities because they can walk around the class and talk to different classmates. My learners can be creative and practise speaking in the same activity. In this activity, they enjoy drawing pictures of things they like, and then sharing this information with their friends. You can choose any topic or any theme. This isn’t a quiet activity but everyone gets to speak!
Stage 1: Introduction
Write a topic on the board, for example:
favourite food, best friend, favourite animal, favourite book, ideal job, favourite hobby, favourite place etc.
Elicit ideas about this topic from the learners.
Stage 2: Model
Model the activity with a learner.
Say: ‘I’m going to draw a picture of my favourite … (food, hobby, etc.)’
Show the learner your picture. Ask: ‘Can you guess what this is?’
Discuss your drawing. Encourage the learner to ask you questions about it.
Stage 3: Draw
Say: ‘I want you to draw a picture about your favourite (food, hobby etc.). Include lots of details so we can see what it is.’
Stage 4: Mingle
Say: ‘When I say go, stand up and walk around the classroom with your picture. Find a partner. Show them your picture and ask: ‘Do you know what this is?’ Tell them more about your picture.’
Say: ‘You should then ask your partner about their picture. When you have both finished, walk around the room and find another partner.’
Before they start, check the instructions with the class (e.g. ask instruction-checking questions).
Learners do the activity for 8-10 minutes. You should circulate and encourage learners to describe their pictures and ask questions.
Stage 5: End activity
Ask: ‘Did you enjoy this activity? Why/why not?’
Use the learners’ answers to show that describing pictures and answering questions can help develop vocabulary and confidence.
Say: ‘You have all used great language today. Well done!’
Display all the pictures in a class gallery. Learners can do a gallery walk and discuss which pictures they like the most and why. Alternatively, ask one or two learners to explain their pictures to the class