Author: Deb Bullock | Uploaded on 1 July 2022


Read what a teacher says about this activity:

2 Stars and 1 Wish is an activity which primary or secondary learners can use to assess themselves or each other. It’s a good activity for introducing these types of assessment. It helps to use criteria on the board.

Option 1: Before doing this activity, add 2 Stars and 1 Wish to the end of a piece of written homework. This activity helps to explain to learners what they have to do. 

Option 2: Write 3-4 task criteria on the board, e.g. give your work a title; use linking words (e.g. because); write at least 4 sentences, etc and ask learners to do the task. 

Stage 1: Introduction

Draw a picture of two stars and a ‘magic wand’ on the board or use flashcards to teach ‘star’ and ‘wish’. 

Ask: “What are they?” Elicit (explain) ‘star’ and ‘wish’. Write ‘Two Stars and a Wish’ on the board.

Elicit (explain) how ‘star’ and ‘wish’ link to feedback – learners have to identify two good things and one thing to improve. (If you did Option 1, you can also refer to the homework).

Stage 2: Model

Model the activity with a volunteer. 

(If you did Option 1, use their written homework. If you did Option 2, point to the criteria on the board.)

Teacher: This is an interesting story with good characters!

Learner: Thank you! 

Teacher: And you used linking words: ‘because’ and ‘but’.

Learner: Yes, I did.

Teacher: Hmm, but you didn’t give it a title.

Learner: Oh, I forgot. That will be useful for the reader. 

Stage 3: Pair work

Say: “Choose a partner. Decide who is A, and who is B. Read each other’s work. Think of two stars and a wish.” Give them 5 minutes.

Your learners may need to use their own language for this stage.  

Say: “Learners A start. Tell your partner your two stars and wish. Bs listen and say if you agree.” Move around the room, listen and support.

After 3 minutes, say: “Now swap.” Move around the room and listen and support.

After 3 minutes, stop them.

Stage 4: Whole class feedback 

Say: “Hands up if you agreed with your partner’s stars and wishes.” Say: “Hands up if you disagreed.”

Ask two or three students: “Why do you disagree?” They may need time to think. Look at their work as they speak. At the end give your opinion.

Stage 5: End activity 

Say: “Now draw two stars and a wish at the end of your work. Write what your partner said next to each one.” 

Model on the board if necessary. 

Circulate and support.

Your learners may need to use their own language for this stage.  

Ask: “Do you like this activity? Why? / Why not?” Use answers to show how peer assessment can help them think about their learning, and how they can learn from each other.

The next time your learners write a text, ask learners to look at these 2 stars and 1 wish, and remember what they need to improve. 


Circulate: Move around the classroom to check what learners are doing, and if they need any help.

Criteria: The information or tool used to measure progress or understanding.

Elicit: How a teacher gets information from learners, e.g. asking questions, prompting.

Feedback: Information about how well a learner has done something 

Model: Demonstrating so that learners understand what they have to do in a particular task.