Look at each of the questions in turn and think carefully about how they relate to your own training experiences. Then click on each box to see tips, advice, guidance and further information.
Recognise and value diversity among teachers
1. Think about groups of teachers you’ve trained. What did you know about the teachers? Were they similar to or different from each other? How did it affect the way you trained?
2. What are some strategies you can use to find out more about the teachers you’re training?
3. What types of activities can help accommodate diverse learning styles within a group?
4. How can you show your trainees that you value the diversity of your group?
5. What challenges do you anticipate in training diverse participants? What could you do, and what could you say to participants, to minimise these?
What changes are you going to make in your training sessions to make them more diverse?
This is up to you. You need to be sure of yourself – even if you are very different from the group you are training. See the diversity as a challenge and not as a problem. Enjoy learning about diverse teachers as you work with them.
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