Look at each of the questions in turn and think carefully about how they relate to your own training experiences. Then click on each box to see tips, advice, guidance and further information.
Use synchronous and asynchronous tools and platforms to support remote learning
1. Think about any online training sessions which you have attended. Which did you enjoy the most? Why? Which did you enjoy the least? Why?
2. What type of online training do you think is most relevant for the teachers you are working with? Why?
3. Think about the context of your trainees. What online platforms can they use? How will you use these within the training?
4. What kind of content should you share when training online? How can you do this effectively?
5. What challenges might you face in making online training interactive? How could you minimise these?
What changes are you going to make in your training sessions to make them more interactive?
This is up to you. Being well prepared before the course, and being flexible during the training, helps develop the confidence of both you and your teachers.
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