Author: GLE Team | Published on 1 October 2023


Gender responsive activities should encourage all learners equally, stimulating them at their own level and considering the wide range of needs present in a classroom. This 1 Minute Problem activity allows students to discuss responses with a group before sharing them with the rest of the wider group, giving students both confidence in their answers and a way to identify and correct any misconceptions. As a teacher you can assess students' learning through their presentations. Ensure this activity is gender responsive by ensuring balanced gender representation in groups, the learners who present and the problems/topics engaged with. Select problems that are simple and interesting and related to the everyday lives of all genders. 

Stage 1: Present problem

Provide learners with a question, problem, or prompt related to the topic or learning objectives. 

Stage 2: Time to discuss and respond

Ask students to work in small groups to discuss and formulate an agreed group response to this problem. At this stage walk around the groups showing an interest in each group equally. Model encouraging students of all genders to share and contribute their ideas be ready to help if some students dominate the discussions or roles and others rarely contribute.  

Stage 3: Post and share

When group members have agreed on a response or answer to the problem, they record it on a large sticky note or piece of paper and post it in the same area of the classroom. For example, on the board or a walk that everyone can easily see.  You could even ask one member of the group to come to the front and verbally share their group solution. Again, ensure that all genders are represented in the learners selected to share their groups solution. 

Stage 4: Facilitate discussion 

After all groups have posted or shared their answers, facilitate a discussion of the responses. Ask questions that may highlight errors and misunderstandings and correct them as needed. Encourage learners of all genders to respond to questions and explore their misconceptions and ideas. 


Gender Representation: The way men and women are described or portrayed. Frequently  gendered representations associate the concepts of femininity and masculinity with popular stereotypes, but also present role models that men and women should look up to or get inspiration from.


Want to know more about the GLE Team?

In a groundbreaking initiative, the British Council, under the English Connects programme, undertook a transformative mission to champion gender-inclusive practices in Sub-Saharan Africa with a cohort of 41 dedicated teacher educators and teachers from Ethiopia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Sudan. This dynamic group referred to as the GLE Team worked together to design this resource.

Read about our Creating Gender Pedagogy Resources for Teachers project:

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