Author: Deb Bullock | Published on 1 August 2022


Question: My class is mixed-level. What can I do to motivate all learners to make progress? 

Answer: Try challenge and support activities. 

In mixed-level classes, struggling learners can fall behind while strong learners can get bored. Try these ideas so all your learners are motivated and can make individual progress. 


Struggling writers work and write in pairs or write shorter texts. They can also use a writing frame.

Title of story:
One day... Draw picture here
Then... Draw picture here
Next... Draw picture here
In the end... Draw picture here

Reading comprehension

Strong readers work alone with books closed. Struggling readers discuss answers in pairs with books open but don’t write anything. This gives them time to focus on reading. Mix learners to check their answers. 

Grammar and vocabulary exercise

Strong learners do 2 exercises; struggling learners do 1. Monitor and support struggling learners. 

These are 3 challenge and support ideas – can you think of more?


Struggling: Students that need further support can be identified as struggling learners. 

Writing frame:  A worksheet that outlines the structure of a specific text type is known as a writing frame.