Author: GLE Team | Published on 1 September 2023


Creating lesson plans involves making many decisions including but not limited to teaching methodologies, content, learning activities, materials, language use, classroom interaction, classroom setup and assessment. Part of developing lesson plans which are more gender responsive is taking into consideration the specific needs of male and female learners in all these lesson planning elements. Although in some cases you may not have complete control over the content and format of your curriculum and lessons, you may be able to find ways to make small, impactful adaptations to your plans to make them more gender sensitive. 

Stage 1: Review Teaching and Learning Materials

Review materials that you use to facilitate teaching and learning and the presence of stereotypes or bias in language, content and images If this is the case plan the techniques can be used to address these issues with your learners For example, if the lesson content is about a period of history dominated by powerful male leaders the teacher can research and present some women during this period who have also been influential. If this is not possible, the educator can facilitate a discussion about why particular groups may have been more powerful and influential than other groups at the time and what is interesting and/or challenging about that. 

Stage 2: Select Gender Responsive Learning Methodologies 

Choose teaching methodologies that support more equal participation of learners of all genders. Develop a classroom culture where all learners feel welcome and supported to participate without dominating or rarely contributing. Methodologies that may support this may include discussions, group activities, project-based learning, role play, circle discussions, exploring case studies, and cooperative teaching strategies. 

Stage 3: Implement Gender Responsive Classroom Set-Up

Ensure that your classroom is set up in a way that it encourages all learners to contribute to the lessons. Are all learners able to sit comfortably? Who can/can’t? Can you see and interact with all learners in your class easily? Think about what can be adapted to ensure all learners feel able to contribute, are comfortable and included.

Stage 4: Implement Gender Responsive Assessment and Feedback Processes

Plan time in the lesson to ensure that learners of all genders have understood the lesson and can meet the learning objectives. Also, be open to asking your learners for feedback about your lessons and teaching. Create a culture of constructive feedback, change and ongoing learning. 

Want to know more about the GLE Team?

In a groundbreaking initiative, the British Council, under the English Connects programme, undertook a transformative mission to champion gender-inclusive practices in Sub-Saharan Africa with a cohort of 41 dedicated teacher educators and teachers from Ethiopia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Sudan. This dynamic group referred to as the GLE Team worked together to design this resource.

Read about our Creating Gender Pedagogy Resources for Teachers project:

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