Author: GLE Team | Published on 1 July 2023
As a teacher you will frequently collect data from your learners about their progress. In this tip you will learn how to make your data analysis more gender sensitive in order to better understand your learner needs, progress and challenges.
Stage 1: Collect Data
Teachers often collect data from their learners, perhaps its attendance, lesson evaluations or exams or tests. Next time you have collected data from your learners follow the next steps to conduct a more gender sensitive analysis to see what additional information you learn about your learners from the data.
Stage 2: Disaggregate Data
Break down the information you have collected from your learners into the following parts sex, age, disability ethnicity, language and other socio-cultural factors that may be relevant in your context.
Stage 3: Interpret Data
Spend time looking at the disaggregated data and think about what you learn from looking at the data in this way. What does the data tell you about the learners in your class? Which groups/individuals are having their needs met? Who isn’t? How do you know? At this stage it’s also important to question your findings and the reasons for them. It is also important in this analysis to identify any gendered patterns in the data. Try to think of multiple “stories” the data you have collected and disaggregated is telling you. Once you have an idea, you can start coming up with actions and next steps connected to what you learn from this data.